I’m writing about social architecture: the why, the components and the actions. The first component was Mission. The second is Vision. Vision and Mission are best understood interrelatedly. Mission is the cause. It is a source of impetus. But as the variously attributed quote says: “if you don’t know where you’re going, you’re almost certainly not going to get there”. Vision is the targeted destination. What the successful pursuit of that mission looks like.
Mission provides the motivational push. Vision provides the pull. The forcing factor clarity within our social architecture of what we need to achieve. An airplane is off track most of the time. It will continually course correct to the planned flight path to its destination. Businesses, particularly startups, are no different. Vision provides the ability to course correct, as well as clarity and alignment as a team.
Two clarifications on vision:
Mission (never) accomplished. The vision is not a completed video game. It is not the full and final accomplishment of the mission. A worthy mission will likely never be accomplished. It may be updated and refined over time, but never accomplished. There will always be a new and updated vision to work to bring about. Behind mountain, there is more mountain;
Linking to the above, the vision is a likeness. It is written in pencil. The only thing that can be guaranteed is that the thing you achieve will be different from what you envisaged. The vision is an accepted, and essential, best guess. Because as another variously attributed quote goes: “a dream without a plan is just a wish”.